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General Project Manager & HR

Job Type

Job Type


Job Type

5 - 10 hrs/week


Temporary volunteer involvement (future paid employment possible)

About Us

About Our Project:

Atlas of Today's World is an independent, not-for-profit initiative that is developing a new map-based encyclopedia from which anyone will be able to reflect upon the broad social and political situation in today's world from a bird's-eye perspective, with systematic and in-depth content created by specialists from around the globe.
- You can visit our prototype here:

About Our Team:

We are based in Prague, Czechia, operating remotely as a group of predominantly volunteers who believe in improving the media landscape worldwide. We work hard for what we believe in, on our own time and schedule. Because of our locations and individual schedules, we often must be self-driven and self-reliant, so we look for independent professionals who do not require heavy supervision.

About the Role

In close tandem with Atlas's founder, this role will coordinate and lead our internal team (currently 4 people, expected up to 10) and cover standard HR activities.

Minimum Requirements

  • Proven experience in project management, leadership & HR activities

  • Knowledge and understanding of the agile development tools (Scrum and Kanban) is very much welcomed

  • Ability to lead an international team (of up to 10 people) working remotely

  • Experience in organising nonprofit teams is highly appreciated

  • 5 - 10 hour availability per week

What Can You Expect:

- An opportunity to become a long-term member of our Organisation.

- In your workflow, you will be receiving assistance from Atlas's founder as well as from other members of the team.

- In case we manage to secure the initial funding of 5 000 EUR per month, we will be able to cover everyone's 5 hours per week with 15 EUR per hour. With growing funding, we aim to continue growing our paid contracts.

- In the long term, we wish to develop Atlas as a democratically-led association. Proven internal members of the Organisation would gain full voting rights.

What We Expect:

  • As long as we work currently on a weekly basis (in a "mini-Scrum" method), this role should suggest specific tasks for the following week (in line with the monthly goals), monitor their implementation and day-to-day operations, evaluate our progress, organise and moderate our weekly 15-minute joint reporting meetings, and closely assist team members in their needs

  • In the long-term perspective, together with Atlas's founder and the entire Atlas team, it should also help design strategic plans to reach our development goals

  • In the HR field, it should take care of team members' well-being, organise team building activities, hire and onboard new reinforcements, and focus on other standard HR activities

  • In case we secure sufficient funding for the development of a specific project (for example, grant funding for completing one of our initial special projects), there is a possibility to include also the role of a manager of this particular partial project (such a role should be financially covered as standard)

How to Apply:

After you click on Apply Now, please submit your CV/resume and LinkedIn profile (if relevant), briefly answer the following 3 questions and provide examples of your own experience or projects relevant to this role.

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